Little Boy

From HBM's Nuclear Tech Wiki

The Little Boy bomb is a recreation of the nuclear gravity bomb of the same name used historically as the very first nuclear weapon used in actual combat. It is a very simple design principle and thus comparatively easy to make.

Little Boy


"Little Boy" was the name of the type of atomic bomb used in the bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 during World War II, making it the first nuclear weapon used in warfare. The bomb was dropped by the Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay piloted by Colonel Paul W. Tibbets Jr., commander of the 509th Composite Group, and Captain Robert A. Lewis. It exploded with an energy of approximately 15 kilotons of TNT (63 TJ) and caused widespread death and destruction throughout the city. The Hiroshima bombing was the second nuclear explosion in history, after the Trinity nuclear test.


The bomb itself requires the following:

  • 2 Small Steel Shells
  • 1 Small Steel Grid Fins
  • 1 Military Grade Circuit Board (Tier 2)
  • 6 Aluminium Wires
  • 4 Any Blue Dye


To prepare the bomb for use, you will need the following:

  • 1 Neutron Shielding
  • 1 Subcritical U235 Target
  • 1 U235 Projectile
  • 1 Propellant
  • 1 Bomb Igniter

In total you will need 3 ingots worth of Uranium-235 for the target and projectile.

The neutron shielding will need 12 neutron reflectors and 4 steel plates.

Propellant will require 8 cordite, 8 Iron plates, 4 Aluminium plates, and 4 Red Copper wires.

Lastly, the bomb igniter will need 1 TNT/TATB (NTM), 6 Aluminum plates, 1 steel plate, 1 advanced circuit, and 3 Red Copper wires.

Once every item is in their respective slots, you can use any detonator to detonate it.

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